World of Fantasy - Breygent - 2012 - 700 Sets

Base Cards (18) : #'d with Artists Initials
Checklist Card
3-D Lenticular Cards : L-1 - L-18
Chase Z-Cards (16) : #'d Z-
Autograph Z-Cards (12) #'d ZA-
Sketch Z-Cards
Promo Cards : NY-1, NY-2, Red Robin /100, Philly-1, Philly-2, Philly-3
Checklist Card
3-D Lenticular Cards : L-1 - L-18
Chase Z-Cards (16) : #'d Z-
Autograph Z-Cards (12) #'d ZA-
Sketch Z-Cards
Promo Cards : NY-1, NY-2, Red Robin /100, Philly-1, Philly-2, Philly-3
Sketches: Z-Sketch Cards
Hold the cursor over the sketch to see the artists and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the sketch to see the artists and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the picture to see more info and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the picture to see more info and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the card to see its numbering and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the card to see its numbering and click on it to enlarge it