7 Deadly Scenes - Braiiinz! Publishing - 2021
Base Set Cards 01-07
Pulp Parallel Cards SP1-SP7
Chase Pop Cards PA1-PA3
Chase Gold Cards GS1-GS3
Chase Vision Cards L1, L2
Sketch Cards
Base Set Cards 01-07
Pulp Parallel Cards SP1-SP7
Chase Pop Cards PA1-PA3
Chase Gold Cards GS1-GS3
Chase Vision Cards L1, L2
Sketch Cards
Chase Cards
Hold the cursor over the card to see its numbering and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the card to see its numbering and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the sketch to see the artists and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the sketch to see the artists and click on it to enlarge it
Sketch Card Artists
- Alex M. Heyser
- Andrés Cruz
- Andrie J. Agravante
- Arturo Ramírez
- Ash Gonzales
- Barush Merling
- Bill Maus
- Carl J. Catchier
- Cone Valencia
- Dacachi Fujino
- Diana Noriega
- Dominic Racho
- Don Mark
- Effix
- Elaine Perna
- Elfie Lebouleux
- Emmanuel Armas
- Enys Guerrero
- Erick Marshall
- Ernesto Warting
- Fabian Quintero
- Gyrhs Azul
- Helmut Racho
- Huy Truong
- Ian Quirante
- Israel Arteaga
- Jason A. Saldajeno
- Jesús Antonio
- Jomar Bulda
- José Carlos Sánchez
- Juan Méndez
- Julius Sanchez
- Kokkinakis Achilleas
- Kürşat Çetiner
- León Braojos
- Leopoldo Castro
- Luro Hersal
- Mark Darwin Godino
- Melissa Ballesteros
- Melissa Santamaría - Mizumel
- Natasa Kourtis
- Nestor Celario Jr
- Norvien Basio
- Paulina Ramos
- Peejay Catacutan
- Puis Calzada
- Ralp Evan
- Ray Racho
- Randy Rhoads Racho
- René Córdova
- Tony Perna
- Triantafillia Vassou
- Walter D. Rice Jr.
- Yuriko Shirou