Space - Viceroy - 2013 - 500 packs
Stamp Relic Cards : SR-1-SR-9, SR-2,3,5,7,9
Sketch Cards : Francois Chartier, Dan Gorman, Chad Haverland, Eric Spohn
Vintage Buyback Tobacco Cards : Pearls of Heaven # 19 of 25
Vintage Space Pins
Soviet Space Dog Space Set /25
Letterpress Sketch Crad Printing Plates /8
Letterpress Sketch Card Film Negatives /8
Artist Sculpture Redemption Cards /10
Promo Card : P1 Gary Kezele autograph
Sketch Cards : Francois Chartier, Dan Gorman, Chad Haverland, Eric Spohn
Vintage Buyback Tobacco Cards : Pearls of Heaven # 19 of 25
Vintage Space Pins
Soviet Space Dog Space Set /25
Letterpress Sketch Crad Printing Plates /8
Letterpress Sketch Card Film Negatives /8
Artist Sculpture Redemption Cards /10
Promo Card : P1 Gary Kezele autograph
Hold the cursor over the card to see its numbering and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the card to see its numbering and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the sketch to see the artists and click on it to enlarge it
Hold the cursor over the sketch to see the artists and click on it to enlarge it